HK International School


Our Approach

CBSE Integrated System Of Learning

The Purpose is to ensure students develop a tangible understanding of the concepts they learn.

Each concept is demonstrated with concrete materials like cubes, pattern blocks, etc., and create a conducive environment for children to practice using the same materials and then finally the concepts are modelled with the help of reading and writing.

Our teaching is based on CPA Approach.

Our Unique Way of Teaching


Concrete is the 'doing' stage, using concrete objects to solve problems. It brings concepts to life by allowing children to handle physical objects themselves.


Pictorial is the 'seeing' stage, using representations of the objects involved in math problems. This stage encourages children to make a mental connection between the physical object and abstract levels of understanding, by drawing or looking at pictures, circles, diagrams or models which represent the objects in the problem.


Abstract is the 'symbolic' stage, where children are able to use abstract symbols to model and solve math problems.